Here are some tips to help you keep banana from getting damaged too quickly.

 This season is similar that no fruit stays fresh for long days and the earth starts to rot so we can not eat them and on the contrary plutocrat is wasted, the moment we're going to tell you some tips to try. By doing this you can help the banana from rotting and keep them safe for a long time. 


 * Tips to help banana from getting damaged 

 * Hang the banana

As soon as the bananas are taken down from the tree, the life of the banana starts getting shorter. Can do 


 Buy green bananas 

 Still, try to buy a little ripe and the rest of the raw bananas because you can not eat all the bananas in one day, so raw bananas for a day or two, If we're in a supermarket and there are both green and unheroic bananas. When I cook, you'll be suitable to eat them and they will last a long time. 

 * Wrap the root in the plastic antipode 

 One way to keep bananas safe for a long time is to wrap their roots in plastic tableware antipode, this will help the banana from spoiling and therefore keep the bananas safe for longer. 

* Refrigerate 

 We frequently keep bananas outdoors in the open air. However, it'll keep them fresh for numerous days and you'll be suitable to eat them for numerous days If you keep the bananas in the fridge rather than keeping them outdoors. 


 Indurate the banana 

We all know veritably well that if a food item is firmed it can be used for numerous days. Bananas can be candied. 

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