10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

 10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

If you’re looking to lose weight, you’re probably already aware that there are a lot of products and diet plans out there claiming to make the process easier. In fact, there are hundreds of weight loss tips out there, most of which aren’t particularly effective. If you’re trying to lose weight and want to learn what will work and what won’t, keep reading below to learn about 10 easy ways to lose weight that are backed by science and research.

1) Drink more water

One of the most effective ways to lose weight is by increasing your water intake. Staying hydrated helps you feel full and keeps you from snacking between meals. If you find yourself always reaching for sodas, juices, or alcohol, cut back a little on those liquids when your body isn’t quite asking for them, and switch instead to more water.

2) Eat more protein

Protein is a key building block for muscle and plays an important role in helping you lose weight and keep it off. The average woman needs about 50 grams of protein a day, while men need 60–65 grams daily. And even if you’re not looking to lose weight, eating more protein can help prevent your body from burning lean tissue during intense exercise. Why? Excess protein gets converted into glucose in your liver; then, as glucose builds up with nowhere else to go, it may be converted into fat—not just by you but by anyone else who eats that excess protein as well! It’s also worth mentioning that too much-added sugar (from any source) can lead to blood-sugar spikes, which can stimulate insulin production and increase fat storage.

3) Limit your carbs

You may not be aware of it, but carbohydrates can have a huge impact on your ability to lose weight.  Glucose is sugar and sugar means energy. So when you consume carbs, they get turned into energy that you burn throughout the day. So while low-carb diets might make people drop pounds at first, what happens as soon as they’re off their diet? Their weight creeps back up! To keep yourself slim and trim, try limiting your carb intake by avoiding bread and pasta. Instead replace these foods with vegetables, lean meats, and healthy fats like olive oil or flaxseed oil.

4) Start strength training

Lifting weights is one of the easiest ways to speed up your metabolism and work your body into fat-burning mode. Strength training increases muscle mass, which, when done right, can be broken down by your body (in a process called catabolism) and used as energy, Cook says. Muscle burns more calories than fat does, so building muscle through strength training will help you lose weight faster—and keep it off for good. An added bonus: When you strength trains regularly, it'll become easier to maintain that target number of calories each day; a recent study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who did resistance training lost more weight when they cut back on their diet than those who didn't lift weights.

5) Keep track of your calories

To lose weight, you must cut your calorie intake and/or increase your physical activity. For example, eating 1,200 calories while expending 900 calories through exercise means a net daily caloric intake of 300 calories (1,200 - 900 = 300). The easiest way to keep track of your calorie intake is with a food journal or app like MyFitnessPal. I’ve used both and they work great! Use them not only to log what you eat but also what you drink so that it’s easier for you to calculate things like alcohol. Remember: take in fewer calories than you expend and your body will use stored fat as fuel.

6) Control your portions

One of the easiest ways to lose weight is by controlling your portions. And one of the easiest ways to control your portions is by using smaller plates, bowls, and utensils. While it might seem trivial, studies show that our brains measure food according to how much space it takes up on a plate or in a bowl. When we use larger plates and bowls, we’re more likely to overeat because we have space left over, so our brain assumes there’s room for more food.

7) Do cardio at least 4 times a week

Cardio may seem like a chore, but it’s actually a crucial part of any weight loss program. Cardiovascular exercises such as running, jogging, swimming, and biking will help you lose weight quickly by increasing your metabolic rate and improving your endurance so that you can work out harder for longer periods. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio every week. It’s easy to do—just break up your 30 minutes or so of exercise into three 10-minute sessions throughout your day: before breakfast, during lunchtime, and after dinner. Your body will burn extra calories even when you sleep because working out increases your metabolism for several hours after you finish exercising.

8) Don’t skip breakfast

Do you think it’s easier to cut calories or cut fat from your diet? Think again. A study in The Journal of Nutrition suggests that people who eat more produce (like fruits and veggies) have a lower body mass index, on average than those who don’t. And for more metabolism-boosting diet tips—including how to master portion control and the time your meals for weight loss success—don’t miss these essential 55 Best-Ever Weight-Loss Secrets From Skinny People!

9) Eat more vegetables

If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s a good idea to stock up on vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats. Eating lots of these ingredients keeps your stomach full for longer and helps lower your calorie intake without feeling hungry. Avoid saturated fat from animal products because it will make you gain weight instead of losing it. Instead, get your nutrients from nuts, seeds, and fish such as salmon or tuna. Don’t forget fiber; a high-fiber diet is essential for successful weight loss because fiber helps fill you up so you consume fewer calories throughout the day—and with any luck, some of those calories will come out as waste before they have a chance to do any damage!

10) Get enough sleep

This is one of those weight loss tips that sounds trite but is actually true. When you sleep, your body is working hard at restoring and rebuilding your muscles and tissues. Getting enough sleep will ensure that you're not only well-rested in general, but also ready to attack your workouts and weight loss goals with a vengeance. Researchers have found that after just one week of sleeping less than six hours per night, people show signs of reduced muscle mass and lower levels of testosterone production -- two key components for building muscle. The bottom line? Skimping on sleep could literally sap your strength-training efforts. Aim for seven or eight hours every night so your body can do its best work to support your workout efforts!

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